All items are new and authentic.
Refund Policy
To return a product, you must submit a return request within a maximum period of 3 calendar days from the date of receiving the order.
For a product to be eligible for return, it must be new, unused, and in its original packaging, which should be in the same condition as when it was delivered.
Once the returned product is received, our team will inspect and evaluate it before approving or rejecting the return. The decision will be communicated via email.
It is crucial to properly protect the product and its packaging when shipping it back to avoid any damage.
Newcop Trading LLC reserves the right to reject the return or request compensation if the product or its packaging is returned damaged.
Upon submitting a return request through our email, you will receive a return authorization document. This document must be included inside the return package.
For any issues related to your order other than requesting a return, please contact
Refund Policy
- No cash refunds will be provided.
- All refunds will be processed as store credit, which can be used for future purchases.
- Only payments made via online transactions or card payments are eligible for a refund to the original payment method.
Return & Exchange Fees
- Returns and exchanges within the UAE will have a processing fee of AED 25.